Cutting roses

You would so much like to have that beautiful rose that illuminates your neighbor's garden, but you can't find it in the shops! You have been offered particularly beautiful roses and you would like to keep a trace of them... No problem, cutting the stems is quite easy to succeed in autumn. 

However, you should know that the world of roses is ruthless and that the creators are fighting a real battle. Some roses are now protected by a trademark, and like all works of art, their reproduction is theoretically forbidden. However, as long as the production remains in the private and individual domain, it remains tolerated...

The choice of the future cutting

The stem of your chosen rose must be of the year. Vigorous, free of any trace of disease, choose it straight, with an arch or semi-arch. On a 25 cm long shoot, make a bevel cut under the lowest leaf and do the same at 0.5 cm above the top leaf. Take care not to cut a bud and then gently remove the thorns and all the leaves except the two top leaves to limit evaporation which would weaken the plant.


You have two options: take cuttings from the rosebush in the garden if you have one, or in pots or deep polystyrene boxes from your fishmonger.

In the first case, choose a shady and sheltered spot in the garden if possible along a wall.
  • Dig a V-shaped trench in which you will put coarse sand in order to favour the recovery. 
  • After applying a cutting hormone to the lower part of the rose stem, place the cuttings every 15 cm, leaving only the last two pairs of leaves and a 2cm piece of stem to protrude so that the leaves are not in contact with the soil. 
  • Fill in with light soil, then pack and water.
If all goes well you can transplant your cuttings within a year. 

In a pot or box, the mixture will be composed of light soil and sand. Dip the rose stems in the cutting hormone and plant them deep enough. You can install several stems per pot. Keep the soil always fresh but not too much at the risk of making the process fail.

Be careful, in pot you will have to transplant your cuttings as soon as the roots come out of the drainage hole to ensure a good recovery.

As soon as spring comes, you can put them in the ground, making sure to water them copiously the first year.

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