Cold-resistant palms

There are 3800 varieties of palm trees in the world, but only ten or so can live outdoors in our regions.

In order for the palm tree to resist the cold, it must first be acclimatized.  To do this, the production of palms starts with the sowing of seeds, then the young plants are raised in unheated greenhouses and, finally, the palms are planted outside, without winter protection. The palms produced in this way are very resistant to the cold: up to -18 / -20°C for the most rustic.

NB: The cold resistance of palms also depends on the wind, the humidity level and the duration of the cold period.

Varieties of palms resistant to cold

Trachycarpus fortunei

This is the most cold-resistant palm (-18 / -20°C) and the best known. Its trunk is surrounded by small threads, hence its common name: the hemp palm. As for its scientific name, it comes from the name of the British botanist Robert Fortune, who brought it back from China in 1842. Since then, it has become the most produced palm in France.

The Chamaerops humilis

It has the particularity to emit shoots around the main trunk and is the only European palm that grows naturally around the Mediterranean. However, the Chamaerops humilis is very rare in France because of the pressure of real estate on the land.

The Sabal minor

It grows very very slowly. It is the "champion" of resistance to cold. Its particularity: it makes its trunk inside the ground.

The Washingtonia filifera

The petticoat palm as it is more commonly called comes from California. It has a very large trunk at the base and the base of the petioles, split in two, forms a beautiful braid. This palm grows in only one place in the world, in the wild, in the San Adnréas fault.

Watering the palm trees

It is often thought that palms from hot countries do not need to be watered. This is not true. To obtain a beautiful, green and hardy palm tree, it is necessary to water it as soon as the temperature rises above 15 / 16 °C. Don't be alarmed if it receives too much water, it tolerates it very well. On the other hand, in winter, do not water it.

Pruning palms

Pruning is generally done when the foliage begins to yellow. However, if a palm becomes troublesome because of its location, it is quite possible to cut it off without harming the palm's growth.

Where to plant palms?

Palms can be planted in containers or in the ground. In the ground, they can be planted in any type of soil. The important thing for a palm tree is not the soil but the watering.

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