Botanical roses

Botanical roses are at the origin of the thousands of cultivars present on the market. Often very vigorous ancestors, they should not be confused with horticultural roses.

Differences between botanical and horticultural roses

Botanical roses are wild roses that have been growing in the wild for thousands of years. They are native to Northern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Often shrubby, sometimes climbing, they are not remontant, which means that they bloom only once in the season, in late spring or early summer. The single 5-petaled flowers are mostly fragrant. They are then followed by very decorative red or black rose hips.

These wild roses have been hybridized to create the thousands of cultivars that exist today.

Horticultural roses do not exist in their natural state. They were created by man. The multiple hybridizations gave birth to the varieties called ancient or modern. Since then, creators never stop inventing new cultivars, more resistant, more floriferous, or easier to cultivate.

The main botanical roses

We will discover here the main botanical roses, it was necessary to make a choice, the list is not exhaustive.

Rosa banksiae is a climbing rose with long, very flexible and smooth stems, originating from Western China. Very vigorous, it can reach 12 m in height and 6 m in spread, but it fears late frosts. Its pale green leaves are covered in May with numerous small double white flowers (3cm in diameter) with a delicate violet scent.

Rosa bracteata comes to us from the South East of China. Its growth is very fast and it can cheerfully reach 4 m of height for 6 of spread. Its dark green glossy leaves are carried by very thorny stems. It produces from June to October simple, white and flattened flowers with wavy petals of 8 cm in diameter.

Rosa damascena, better known as "Damask rose" is a bush with thorny stems that can reach 2 m high, native to the Middle East. The leaves are greyish-green. It is covered in summer with bouquets of 3 to 11 white or pale pink flowers, flat of 5 cm in diameter.

Rosa eglanteria also known as Rosa rubiginosa or rosehip. This is the best known and one of the most vigorous botanical roses. Its thorny and arched stems of 2,5 m of height for as much of spread carry dark green leaves with the perfume of apple. It is covered in July with pink flowers, simple in cup. Our rosehip is native of a vast zone which extends from Europe, to North Africa and from the West to the North of Asia.

Rosa foetida comes to us from Western Asia. It can reach 1,50 m in all directions. Its arched stems carry pale green leaves and in June simple bright yellow flowers of 5 cm in diameter.

Rosa officinalis is also known as "Rose de Provins" or "Rose des Apothicaires". It has a compact form, measuring only 80 cm in height and 1 m in spread. In summer it produces semi-double red/pink flowers with a strong smell.

Rosa glauca is a very vigorous subject with reddish-green stems that can reach 2 m in height. It is native to the mountainous areas of central and southern Europe. It produces in summer small bunches of pink flowers with a paler heart and golden stamens.

Rosa moschata is native to Western Asia. It has a wide habit and can reach 3 m in all directions. Its purple-green foliage serves as a showcase for bouquets of flat, simple, creamy-white flowers. Its musky perfume is unforgettable.

Rosa wichuraiana is a vigorous climber that can be used as a ground cover because it spreads over nearly 6 m for a height of 2 m. In summer, it produces bouquets of 6 to 10 flowers in white cups with bright yellow stamens. Their perfume is delicately spicy.

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