A defensive hedge

Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to protect oneself from intruders on a property. Defensive hedges composed of dissuasive shrubs are a good solution to curb bad intentions.

What is a defensive hedge?

A defensive hedge creates a physical and vegetal barrier that is impenetrable. It is often installed at the property line to prevent the passage of animals or ill-intentioned people. To be effective, the plants that make up the fence must be at least 1.60 m high and 1.20 m thick, and must be prickly or very dense.

Choice of shrubs for a defensive hedge

The mahonia is a shrub of choice to create a defensive hedge. Its leaves are lined with sharp thorns and don't really make you want to rub up against them. Its evergreen foliage turns red in the fall and serves as a backdrop for its yellow flowering clusters that appear in winter and attract pollinating insects. It likes cool soil and is very hardy.

The Pyracantha or burning bush, is one of the best known shrubs for creating a defensive hedge. Very dense, up to 3 meters high and thorny, it produces red or orange berries. Its foliage is evergreen. This very rustic shrub, likes the majority of soils. It supports the drought and the sea spray and can thus be planted in the South and/or at the seaside.

If you are not a fan of tidy gardens, or if the property to be protected is a simple field in the countryside, you can plant a bramble hedge. It will become dense and impenetrable and you will be able to eat blackberries, but beware of the work that awaits you to maintain it!

The barberry is a deciduous shrub, very easy to grow since it grows in almost any soil and in any exposure and is very hardy. It is ornamental with its pink and yellow flowers and brilliant red berries.

In the warmest regions and in very well drained soil, several species of cactus can do the trick. Plant for example Cylindropuntia imbricata which will reach 3 meters in height for as much spread. Its stems are impenetrable and it produces beautiful pink flowers.

Many opuntias are also suitable for the creation of defensive hedges, the choice is vast among species, you will find the plant that suits you without worry.

How to plant a defensive hedge?

Prepare the ground about fifteen days in advance, preferably in the fall. Remove stones and wild grasses. Add the necessary amendments according to the nature of the soil: sand and compost in heavy and humid soil, decomposed manure in poor soil, heather soil to correct a calcareous soil...

Soak the clumps of your shrubs in a basin of water at room temperature. During this time dig holes of 80 cm in all directions, in staggered rows. Space them at a maximum of 80 cm apart to create a dense hedge.

If you choose deciduous shrubs, keep a proportion of 1/3 for 2/3 of evergreens so that the hedge keeps its function.

Add compost and ground horn to the bottom of the holes and plant your shrubs.

Water abundantly.

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