Which rose to choose in a Mediterranean climate?

The Mediterranean climate is very particular with its hot, dry summers and mild winters. Some rather cold roses are much better adapted to it than others and will find their favorite soil around the 'Big Blue'.

Growing roses in the Mediterranean climate

The Mediterranean climate has the particularity that the summers are very hot over a long period of time and that drought occurs every year, sometimes even in the middle of winter. The direct and scorching sun does not spare the plants and the roses often go into a resting period during the summer, or even at the end of spring, only to bloom again in the fall if they are remontant.

The soil is often stony or even chalky in certain regions, notably Marseille, which is not very suitable for growing roses, most of which appreciate neutral to acidic soil.

These are many particularities that would make this area a no man's land for roses and yet! Mediterranean gardens are full of species and varieties that are perfectly adapted, you just have to know how to choose them!

Rose species and varieties adapted to the Mediterranean climate

Rosa banksiae or 'Banks Rose' is a very vigorous climbing rose that can cover a wall or a pergola at a surprising speed in the Mediterranean zone since it can reach 15 m in height and spread over at least 6 m. Originally from China, it is a botanical rose, which means that it was not created by breeders and that it exists in its natural state. It will bloom abundantly only if the winter is mild and the hours of sunshine are numerous. It tolerates calcareous and even stony soils, which makes it THE ideal subject. Its white flowers blend in with those of all other climbers such as clematis or wisteria, whatever their color. There are varieties with single yellow flowers in 'Lutescens' or very double in 'Lutea' which will look great with mauve or bluish flowers.

Rosa x damascena, the Damask rose, is famous for its characteristic perfume from which the rose essence is derived. This rose with light green foliage forms a beautiful bush that can reach 2.5 m in height and 2 m in spread. The very double flowers of old type are generally pink and give off an intoxicating perfume. The variety 'Bifera' flowers abundantly during a very long period.

The hybrids of Tea and Hazelnut roses such as 'Philippe Noisette' with pale pink flowers or 'Madame Alfred Carrière' climbing with beautiful double white/pink roses, will do well in more clayey soils but always under a strong sunlight to give the best of themselves.

Rosa chinensis, the Chinese rose is, as its name indicates, of Chinese origin. It grows in thickets in the form of a shrub that can reach up to 2 m high in its natural environment. The range of colors extends from pink to bright red but there are nowadays many cultivars, some of which can be surprising like 'Viridiflora' with green flowers!

The Chinese rose is very tolerant of soil type, the pH does not matter and it tolerates limestone. Although it is reputed to be cold, it is quite hardy but produces a more abundant bloom when winters are mild.

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