It is difficult to grow plants in a soil made up mostly of stones, which retains neither water nor humus and keeps the heat at the slightest ray of sunshine! However, some plants appreciate these drained soils and find their place in them without any worries - quite the contrary!

The cacti
Originally from the desert areas of the globe, our prickly friends appreciate the heat and the very draining soils since they all fear excess water at the level of their roots and collar. A rocky, stony soil that does not retain water but retains heat and gives it back even at night is therefore perfect for them! From the immense Cereus to the tiny Lithops, passing by the famous Echinocactus or Opuntias graphs, cacti will enjoy themselves in your home if there are stones!
The olive tree
This beautiful tree, emblematic of the rocky Mediterranean regions, grows perfectly in stony soil. The gnarled trunk of the olive tree can reach a height of up to 20 meters, making it an ideal isolated subject in a garden to which it always knows how to bring an inimitable cachet.
The almond tree
In February, the almond tree is one of the first fruit trees to cover itself with flowers, providing a welcome manna for pollinating insects. Very present in Mediterranean countries, almond trees thrive in full sunshine and appreciate well-drained soils.
The commans sedge
Very fashionable in today's gardens where it brings movement through its slender leaves, this sedge is perfect for decorating rock gardens and mineral compositions. Its aspect evokes wild steppes, take advantage of it to create a decor that is easy to maintain!
Daphne leaf bindweed
This beautiful rounded shrub with silvery and hairy foliage, is covered from spring to late summer with white flowers. It likes very dry and stony soil. It decorates marvelously the rocks, the slopes, but also the edges of alleys in the hottest regions.
Euphorbia Characias
This scrubland euphorbia brings its bright and acidulous color to the garden. In the flowerbeds, flowerbeds but also in rock gardens, it grows without requiring any maintenance. Its beautiful apple green inflorescences make it an original and ornamental plant.
Blue fescue
This magnificent grass is the undisputed friend of landscape gardeners who can adapt it to any garden sauce! It must be said that its fine blue/silver leaves make it a subject of choice. Very tolerant, the blue fescue forms a rounded tuft of the most beautiful effect. Rustic, tolerant of drought and poor soils, it is very easy to grow!