If the plants have qualities of adaptation out of the commun run, to plant an exotic in mountain or a resistant inside it is against nature! Sun, wind, type of soil, cold, watering... by respecting the needs of the plant, we help nature!
Plants have extraordinary faculties of adaptation. For centuries, botanists have been proving this by testing new living conditions for certain species outside of their usual places of life. But beware, playing with nature too much, plants end up saying stop! Too weak to defend themselves, they become the prey of choice for pests. As a result, the temptation is great to treat and fatten chemically ... And that's when things become unnatural!
With fertilizers and pesticides, the garden becomes a real repellent for biodiversity. In the end, the plants that cannot acclimatize perish and the soil, which is full of chemicals, becomes polluted!
By opting for "native" plants in the right place, the garden can be just as successful without the need for phyto products. The gardener's art is based on the choice of plants!
If it is always possible with some wintering precautions to plant exotic plants in temperate regions, it is better to abstain when the outside temperatures are very cold every year. The plant will not resist, quite simply!
For a touch of originality in a mountain garden for example, it is better to look for its plants in the Canadian inventories! The nature of the soil is also a determining factor. A plant that needs calcareous soil will not resist on unsuitable soil. If the plant can be illusionary for a few months, it will not be able to develop as it should to give full satisfaction to its gardener.
The frequency of watering, exposure to the sun and protection against the wind are all criteria to be respected to limit the weakening of the garden plants. Knowing that there are many varieties with multiple needs in nature, it is important before planting to put all the assets on its side for a serene development, in the rhythm of nature.
More and more landscape gardeners are returning to these notions of the right plant in the right place. Parks and gardens committed to a quality approach with a view to obtaining a label increasingly focus on the conservation of local species rather than the addition of exotic plants. Before planting, therefore, nothing is better than observing one's environment to plant the most locally adapted species.