Tame the moss in the garden

Soft, green and very ornamental when you know how to use it, moss should not be considered as the gardener's enemy. Let's learn how to integrate it into the landscape to enhance the decor...

Who are you, moss?

Moss or rather mosses (Bryophytes) are rather primary plants since they have neither roots nor stems. Not having a vascular system, they need, for most species, a high level of humidity to develop and grow in good conditions because they draw their food from water and gases.

Epiphytes, they don't need soil to grow and fix themselves with small hairs (rhizoids) on all surfaces, horizontally as well as vertically.

Conditions for introducing moss into the garden

Moss cannot be used in all gardens, several conditions must be met: the area must remain very cool in summer, the climate must be preferably very humid, the shade must be preponderant, and a northern exposure desired. If you live in the South of the country and you are fascinated by mosses, you will have to create optimal conditions for them to be happy in your home: an undergrowth atmosphere, the presence of a watercourse or a waterfall, are all elements that will make this possible.

How to use moss in the garden?

If the conditions of humidity and freshness are met, you can create a magical decor, ready to welcome elves, fairies and other characters of misty tales.

The moss is ideal to decorate the gaps between the tiles of a path or between the Japanese steps.

It will also work wonders on an old tree stump, where it will mask the ravages of time, or on decorative objects such as Japanese lanterns, wells, and concrete benches. It will give them a delicate patina and a lot of character.

In areas that are too humid and shady for the lawn to grow, don't fight the moss anymore but install it fully, it will elegantly cover the ground with its delicate felted carpet.

An old roof or a damaged wall seem very sad to you? Don't hesitate to vegetate them with moss, you will see life in green!

Moss can also be used as a decor in its own right in Japanese gardens where it has a prominent place not far from topiary shrubs and shimmering maples. It creates a link between stone and water, between minerality and humidity.

How do I plant moss in my garden?

If your garden is suitable for moss, you must certainly have some in a corner, otherwise you can get it in the nature (except protected areas) by taking very little in each time in order not to destroy the biotope.

The public gardens are sometimes good sources, it will then be necessary to ask for an authorization to take it. Then you will install it directly in the chosen area of your garden. If the surface is vertical, or you want to fill between slabs, let it dry a little, grind it with a mixer and mix the particles obtained with beer. All that's left to do is to spread the mixture with a brush and moisten the surface well in the following weeks to see your moss come to life.

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