Landscape design

Very often, when buying a house, new or not, the landscaped area is a criterion that can be a determining factor. The fact of having a wooded lot or a landscaped park becomes a selling point. The landscaping of one's land can therefore bring, in addition to aesthetics, a certain added value. It is enough to carry out it according to basic criteria, the continuation is only a question of personality and tastes.

Pleasing from the start

Our current society leads us to principles often based on appearances. This reasoning applies to our clothes, our vehicles, our house but also to the garden. Indeed, the garden alone often gives an idea of the personality of its owner, the style of the house and let's not forget that the first impression is often important when you arrive in a place.

A welcoming garden with clean and practical accesses, an easy to find entrance door, feet that stay dry, soft shapes breaking the angles of the buildings as well as decorative elements (massifs, trees...) to hide the unsightly areas, and the first impression will be better.

Linking the useful to the pleasant

Currently, the trend is towards flexibility and many gardens are designed with very flexible beds or paths. However, we must not forget that we must respect certain practical measures. For example, the length necessary for an average car to make a U-turn is 11 meters, a parking lot should be at least 2.5 meters by 5 meters long.

For plant beds we also know that a bed covered with bark and ending in a fine point will not keep its shape for long if we do not put borders or paving stones to maintain the bark. In addition, the passage of machines such as the lawnmower can become a chore if the paths, terraces or beds are not in the right shape or in the right place.

It is important to think about future maintenance at the time of installation. You should plan for at least the equivalent of a lawnmower pass and finish the lawn areas at least at right angles to a patio or driveway.

Bringing life, plants

Once the paths have been designed, the terraces in place, the flowerbeds planted and the style you wish to have in your garden determined, all that remains is to select the plants.

For the location of the latter, it is important to respect the rules such as the minimum distance of 2 meters from the party line if the adult plant exceeds 2 meters in height, as well as the internal regulations of the housing estates.

The arrangement of the trees must take into account the rooms of the house in order to avoid that they interfere with their brightness.

In addition, some very pretty plants can be stinging or poisonous, so they should not be planted in the immediate vicinity of walkways.

In any case, each plant is unique and requires a different space to grow. It is important to provide sufficient space, which will also save money.

By respecting certain rules, it is possible to create a pleasant exterior design while adding your own personality. It is expressed by the layout, the choice of materials, plants and other decorative elements, but it is useful to think about the future of your garden which will continue to evolve over time.

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