How to organize a large garden?

We will explain to you how to organize the garden plots, so that the gardener and the biodiversity are in a win-win relationship.

The ornamental garden and the meadow

Taking care of a large garden can be complicated and time consuming. In order to simplify the task and optimize space and work time, Annecé decided to divide her large 4,000 m2 plot into two parts: on one side, a meadow was planted, and on the other, the ornamental garden was installed.

Why plant a meadow?

There are three major reasons why a gardener might want to turn part of his or her garden into a meadow.
  • First, a large garden requires a lot of maintenance. Transforming a part of it into a meadow, in which the plants will grow without any intervention once sown, allows to lighten the gardener's workload (no pruning, no repotting, no hoeing...).
  • Secondly, the sown meadow includes many melliferous plants, such as phacelia, blueberry, or clover. These plants allow to feed the bees of the hives installed in the garden in order to favour biodiversity and pollination of the cultivated plants.
  • Thirdly, the meadow is used to host 'farm' animals. Two sheep are housed on the site. They allow to free themselves from the work of mowing or clipping the meadow, while feeding themselves. They come to join a small group of ten hens which, for their part, provide the eggs. A hut installed in the shade of an apple tree serves as a shelter for the sheep and the henhouse.

The ornamental garden

Inspired by permaculture, with a concern for respecting the living, the garden, cultivated organically, had to be aesthetically pleasing as well. Thus, different zones of various sizes and shapes have been created. Flowers, interesting for the auxiliaries, were sown on all the edges of the garden. They will attract butterflies and bees necessary for the pollination of the flowers and vegetables grown and will make the site more attractive during the spring and summer.

Things to remember...

Dividing your plot into two spaces allows you to enjoy a family garden and to let nature enjoy your garden as well.

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