How to flower the bottom of a low wall?

In a garden, the question often arises as to how best to decorate that strip of land left unattended at the foot of a low wall. Here are some ideas that will help you...

Location of the low wall

Depending on its location, the low wall can shade the plants that will be at its foot, or on the contrary, capture all the heat and give it back. Its exposure must therefore be taken into account when choosing plants.

The nature of the soil is also important. Under this masonry space, the soil is often compacted and of poor quality, so it must be amended with compost and manure if you wish to install greedy plants.

Also think about the pH, because some plants only grow in acidic soil (azaleas, camellias...) while others appreciate basic soil.

Don't forget to mix perennials and annuals. The former will form the basis of the decor, the latter will complement them in order to vary the pleasures according to the seasons. Finally, remember to plant the tallest plants at the foot of the wall and the lowest ones just in front of it so that they remain visible.

What to plant at the foot of a shaded wall?

If the area is shaded, plant a beautiful line of Hydrangeas that will illuminate it with their large pink, white or blue pompons. If the wall is topped with a fence, you can replace them with climbing hydrangeas (Hydrangea petiolaris) that will enchant you with their clusters of white flowers in summer. Camellias or rhododendrons will also do the trick, especially in acidic soil.

At the foot of these shrubs, plant hostas, whose many varieties provide a very interesting range of colors, or hellebores, which will bloom in winter. You can also install ferns or heuchera to play with the texture of the foliage.

To give your low wall a boost in summer, add a few plants of impatiens from New Guinea with delicately iridescent flowers.

What to plant at the foot of a low wall in full sun?

If you want to decorate the base of your low wall with roses, consider improving the soil before planting with a good organic manure. Depending on the height of the wall, plant rose bushes or ground cover roses, which come in all colors and for all tastes.

If you have little time to devote to your garden, think of grasses! Stipas, sedges, blue fescue, miscanthus will be happy with poor and dry soil and will require almost no maintenance while giving movement to your decor!

Think also of the hardy perennial geranium, which over time forms beautiful cushions of blue, pink or purple flowers depending on the variety. This easy to live with plant will give you nothing but satisfaction.

In the Mediterranean area, the foot of a low wall is a very hot area, especially if it is exposed to the south. A border of agaves, can be of the best effect, as well as the plantation of Aloes which will make you the surprise to bloom in winter or of aeoniums always surprising by the shape of their rosettes of leaves. All these succulents come in multiple species and cultivars, which will allow you to vary the pleasures. At their feet, Gazanias, verbenas or petunias will color the picture in summer.

You can also border your wall with aromatic plants such as lavender, rosemary, helichrysum or sage, all highlighted by a border of thyme; the pollinating insects will be delighted!

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