Decorate the base of a large tree

Often bare, the foot of an imposing tree offers a rather unappealing sight unless its bark is decorative. To make up for this lack, we propose here some simple solutions to dress it up.

Decorative objects

To dress up the base of a large tree, a circular wooden or concrete bench can be a great solution. You will find a beneficial shade in summer to read and will be able to dream at leisure while listening to the rustle of leaves in the wind.

Why not create a wooden deck around the base of the tree? Depending on its surface, you can install a deckchair, a garden furniture or compose a plant decoration based on  tolerating the shade. If the tree is close to a pond, the terrace can be transformed into a pontoon for a bucolic atmosphere!

Another solution, much more original, is to cover part of the trunk with a handmade and very colorful knitted fabric! Of course, you have to be daring, but the result, as surprising as it may be, will give your garden some pep. Don't hesitate to use flashy colors and to superimpose them.

If you like large colored glass candle holders, you can also surround your tree with them, at night, the decor will be magical. In the same vein, it is possible to dress the trunk with light garlands which, if they are ornamental during the day (butterflies, flowers...) will have a double interest.


Mineral mulch is recommended by many garden professionals to cover the base of a tree. Play on contrasts with large white pebbles to create a Zen atmosphere, or with pozzolan for a wilder atmosphere.

Artists can create calades by drawing arabesques of pebbles all around the trunk or imagine real paintings based on wood slices of different sizes arranged side by side.


Under a large tree, the conditions are not great for planting vegetation: lack of light, very little water... A real challenge! However, certain bulbous plants such as cyclamen, wood hyacinths or muscarias will do well under a tree.

If the atmosphere is humid, you can try to form a carpet of helixine or even ferns or try planting periwinkle which will cover the ground with its bluish carpet. Some low grasses can also give movement at the foot of a large tree, thus breaking the rigidity of the scene.

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