Creating a city garden

In the heart of the city, the space dedicated to the garden is often limited. Often reclaimed from the concrete, these privileged locations deserve a design that is tailored to them. Improving the existing space and enhancing it with a few tricks are the keys to success.

Compose with the existing

To create a city garden, you will first have to examine the existing elements: walls, buildings, facing buildings, vegetation already in place, possible ground coverings...

Generally littered with rubble or concrete remains, the ground must be improved. To do this, decompact it, remove the macro-waste present and add organic matter such as well decomposed manure, quality potting soil and compost. This will lighten the soil and make it more fertile for future plantings.

The planting of large trees is not recommended in city gardens of less than 150 m², avoid planting them and if they already exist, remember to have them pruned every two to three years to keep a good luminosity and a healthy space, otherwise mosses, lichens and mushrooms will quickly invade your garden.

Don't forget to also identify the shady areas where you will install plants that can withstand these conditions and the hottest areas to place less hardy plants.

Take advantage of the specificities of a city garden

The absence of horizon is one of the specificities of a city garden because it is surrounded by walls or buildings that can quickly give a feeling of enclosure. To soften this effect, you must work to erase these limits by creating a soft vegetal transition. To do this, use verticality by dressing the walls with climbing plants, then play on the perspective effect by placing the highest plants in the background and the lowest in the foreground.

Create a central pathway from the house to the back of the garden by playing with materials and colors, knowing that light colors make small areas bigger. In very small gardens, you can even install a large mirror on a whole wall to create an optical effect that multiplies the surface area, but be careful, for a successful effect, drown it in the surrounding vegetation by framing it with climbing plants.

To make people forget the small surface area, plant plants that combine several assets and attract the eye. Play with the shape of the shrubs by creating contrasts between slender and stocky varieties, select tortuous varieties or those with remarkable bark that will attract attention in winter, and stagger the flowering. To do this, mix shrubs and perennials, biennials, annuals and bulbs to create a colorful carpet.

Place here and there decorative objects such as candle holders, a Japanese stone lantern, a small fountain or a statue. These elements will catch the eye and make you forget the smallness of the place, if they are placed in a discreet way and by small touches.

Finally, don't hesitate to create alcoves and corners sheltered from view by placing wisteria or rosebushes on an arbor or a pergola, but also by using shade sails or even simple parasols. You will thus create islands of peace despite the urban environment.

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