Natural separation between paths and beds, delimitation of a particular area of the ornamental garden or vegetable garden: plant borders have multiple interests.
Beautifully delineate
A plant border can be used to highlight a pathway in an aesthetic way, accompanying the pathway with delicate scents and colors. Borders structure the garden in various zones while providing a neat appearance. They can be used to frame the crops in a vegetable garden in squares, but also to create a happy transition between the flowerbeds and the paths.
Criteria for choosing border plants
Borders are elements that must last over time while maintaining a beautiful appearance. The plants used should therefore be robust, hardy and, if possible, flower for many months. Evergreen foliage and a well-defined habit are important parameters for the border to keep its splendor all year long. Another criterion that we think about less: the non-dangerousness. The plants chosen should be neither toxic nor harmful because they will be placed in places where children can pass through.
The best border plants
There are many plants that meet these criteria, but you have to make a choice! Let's start with borders located in a sunny area with well-drained soil. Here you can plant lavender with green/gray evergreen foliage that forms beautiful balls. The fragrance exhaled during the summer days will accompany your steps. The same goes for santolin or helichrysum, two fragrant plants with bright yellow blooms. Large Germanica irises will be perfect for edging a pathway with their haughty bearing and their spectacular, velvety bloom.
For both ornamental and useful borders, choose aromatic plants: they require little maintenance, bloom for a long time, attract pollinating insects and are used as condiments in cooked dishes. Among them are rosemary, thyme, oregano, hyssop and even chives, which, in the vegetable garden, will provide a repellent border for many pests while preventing cryptogamic diseases. In the vegetable garden, boxwood is the ideal shrub to create borders to delimit the cultivation areas. Its slow growth and ease of pruning allow it to be structured at will.
For shadier borders with more fertile soil, think of bergenia, which, thanks to its large, leathery foliage and pink winter flowers, will do wonders. Hardy and slender ferns will also be of the best effect giving a natural look to the border. Finally, the heuchers with their highly textured foliage and their sometimes purple and sometimes metallic colors will accompany your steps in beauty!