A Feng Shui garden

Feng Shui is an art of living and a practice that comes from China. A place to live (house, garden, terrace) arranged according to Feng Shui guidelines is a harmonious place where we feel good. A Feng Shui place should promote the free flow of Chi, the vital energy that brings wealth, well-being and happiness wherever it goes. Once your home is set up according to the principles of Feng Shui, move on to the garden as it is an extension of the house.

The principles of Feng Shui garden

A Feng Shui garden is a garden divided into different zones. Each of them represents a universe, an area of life through shapes, objects and colors. The Feng Shui garden must respect nature and be in harmony with it. In this sense, a winding path should be preferred to a straight one. The latter is not natural.

The 5 elements

The Feng Shui garden must harmonize the five elements present in traditional Chinese medicine: wood, water, fire, earth and metal. These five elements must absolutely be present in the garden, but in very specific places.

Nine zones

According to Feng Shui practice, the garden should be divided into nine zones. In fact, these zones are delimited by the Lo Shu square through three lines and three columns.

Using a compass, determine the directions of your garden. Then draw your garden with North at the bottom of the sheet. Each cardinal point corresponds to an area of life. Draw the nine zones of Lo Shu. The central area is Tai Chi. This is where your life potential lies. The other eight zones represent areas of life.

Yin and Yang

In the world and in life, everything is yin or yang: man and woman; earth and sky; positive and negative, or hot and cold. The woman is yin (black) and the man is yang (white). As the vital energy Chi comes from the meeting of these two opposing forces, it is necessary to balance the two by playing on the shade and the light; on the plants and the minerals, or on the water and the dry places. You will then have to alternate the varieties of plants and the elements.

What to put in a Feng Shui garden?

A Feng Shui garden should not be overcrowded, otherwise Chi will not flow well. Its design should be simple, so it is better to put few accessories adapted to its style, rather than many accessories that are not in tune with the garden.

To bring in more good energy, you need to encourage movement in the garden. To do this bait butterflies, bees and birds with feeders and fruit trees, among other things. Statues and sculptures attract good energy. Their size should be proportional to the garden. For the Chinese, large pots are carriers of good luck and abundance. Therefore, give preference to large pots.

Water is an essential element of the Feng Shui garden. Symbol of luck and prosperity, it takes place in the form of a stream, a waterfall or a pond. It must be placed in the appropriate areas. Lamps are essential in the South of the garden, but the light should be subdued. For the paths, use spotlights or wall lights and for the terrace use candles.

The characteristics of the nine zones

Each zone represents an area of life. Each zone should have specific colors and elements.

The Southern zones

The South represents success, fame and summer. The dominant element is fire and the main color is red. Therefore, red flowers such as poppies, peonies and geraniums should be used. The shape of the garden in the South zone is the triangle and it is the place to place lamp posts and the barbecue.

The South East symbolizes wealth and spring. Its dominant element is wood and its color is purple. You can plant wisteria, lilac, lavender, hyacinths and all kinds of purple flowers. Small flowering shrubs and small trees are welcome. Embellish this area with a stream flowing east or west, with gold and silver fish for prosperity.

The Southwest is the couple's area. The dominant element is earth and the colors to put in it are pink, yellow, orange and ochre. The shape of the South-West zone is the square and it is in this zone that the garden furniture and objects should be placed in pairs, to symbolize the couple and parity. This is the area to grow vegetables, and plant daffodils, pansies, nasturtiums or gladioli.

The North zones

The North is the zone of the quarry and symbolizes the winter. Its dominant element is water and its color is blue. The shape is sinuosity and the elements to be integrated: rocks, aquatic plants and blue flowers like water lilies, lotus, iris or pansies.

The Northeast represents wisdom and knowledge. The dominant element is earth and its colors are yellow, orange, and ochre. The shape is the square. Place a bench, pottery and statues. Plants: hedges, copses, nasturtiums, narcissus or mimosas are welcome. The Northeast zone represents wisdom and is the place to do yoga.

The North West symbolizes support, friendship, guidance and autumn. The dominant element is metal and the colors to be used are mainly white, gray and silver. The shape is the circle and the flowers to put on it are the lily of the valley, the jasmine or the magnolias. Combine white flowers with brightly colored flowers and green foliage.

The East Zone

This zone represents health and spring. Its dominant element is wood and its color is green (symbol of harmony and balance). Its shape is the rectangle. It is the zone where to install the terrace and where to grow medicinal plants as well as big trees: laurel palm .

The West Zone

This is the area of family, children and creativity. Its main element is metal and its color is white, symbol of purity, freshness and harmony. You can also put grey and silver. The shape of the West zone is the circle. Put pots, chimes, rocks, but also wrought iron furniture. Plant white-leafed shrubs and combine them with brightly colored flowers and green foliage. Magnolias, lilies, jasmines and lilies of the valley are perfect for this area.

The Central Zone

This is the Tai Chi zone. The element is the earth and the color, yellow. This zone represents unity, harmony and balance. It must connect all areas of the garden. This space must be maintained and rather uncluttered, so it should not be overloaded.

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